Passive 2x10
Passive 2x10
Passive 2x10
Passive 2x10

LSUB 1200

Passive 2x10" subwoofer

Artno: 440031

929 € (Alv 25.5%)



Housed in a bass reflex enclosure, this compact and light subwoofer is perfect for band PAs. It makes for a very powerful subwoofer stack when paired with the active Linear SUB 1200 A. Loaded with two 10″ woofers, it delivers tight, snappy bass with a lot punch ranging all the way down to around 45 Hz.

- Dimensions (mm) : 380 x 670 x 560

- Finishing : Black

- Peak power : 2 400 W

- Power : 600 W

- Speaker diameter : 2 x 12"

- Väri : Black

- Weight (kg) : 29 kg

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